JomPAY Scheduled Downtime 18 February 2025
Dear Valued Customers,
Kindly be advised that JomPAY service will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled system maintenance:-
Date: 18 February 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:00 AM - 2:15 AM (15 minutes)
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
For more details, please call our Customer Care Line at 03-26005500.
Thank you for your support towards Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad.
FPX Scheduled Downtime 14 February 2025
Dear Valued Customers,
Kindly be advised that FPX service will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled system maintenance:-
Date: 14 February 2025 (Friday)
Time: 4:30 AM - 5:00 AM (30 minutes)
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
For more details, please call our Customer Care Line at 03-26005500.
Thank you for your support towards Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad.
i-Muamalat Scheduled Downtime 10 February 2025
Dear Valued Customers,
Kindly be advised that the following services will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled system maintenance:-
i-Muamalat Online Portal
i-Muamalat Mobile
Date: 10 February 2025 (Monday)
Time: 12:00 Midnight - 06:00 AM
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
For more details, please call our Customer Care Line at 03-26005500.
Thank you for your support towards Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad.
Take Control of Your 1st Party Limit
Dear Valued Customers,
Starting 15 January 2025, as part of regulatory requirements, there will be two separate i-Muamalat transaction limits for 1st party and 3rd party transactions.
What is 1st Party Limit?
The 1st party limit applies to transfers / payments between accounts that belong to the same person. For example, when you transfer money from your savings account to your current/credit card/financing account within Bank Muamalat, it is considered a 1st party transaction.
Default 1st party limit is set at RM3,000 per day. You can update this limit via i-Muamalat Online Portal to better suit your personal needs. How to update your limit?
1. Login to i-Muamalat Online Portal
2. Go to Settings
3. Select Change Transaction Limits
4. Select 1st Party Transaction Limit
Activation Period for i-Muamalat
Dear Valued Customers,
There will be a 12-Hour Activation (Cooling-off) Period when you perform the following:-
a. First Time Registration of i-Muamalat
b. Upgrading Credit Card inquiry to transaction package
c. Register new device for i-Muamalat Mobile Application
d. Register new device for i-MSecure*
e. Change 1st Party Transaction Limits (w.e.f 15 January 2025)
f. Change 3rd Party Transaction Limits
g. Forgot Password*(w.e.f 15 January 2025)
Note: (*) Activation must be done either by calling the Contact Centre or visiting the bank branch. For immediate activation, you may visit the nearest branch. Branch may uplift activation period after thorough verification is executed.
To help prevent unauthorised login/authorisation, you will only be able to login i-Muamalat/use i-MSecure to authorise transactions 12 hours after the maintenance is performed.